Wednesday, January 28, 2009

More snow?!

I may be wrong but it seems like we havent had much snow the past few winters. Whether that's the case or not, you certainly can't say that about this winter. We had two snow storms in the last couple of weeks of 2008, one more in early Jan and in the middle of our 4th storm today.

Because I don't live in a single family I don't have much shoveling to do - I still have to shovel in front of our building, but that's shared with the other two owners in my building. But there are two other factors that snow storms add complexity to: one is I live in the city and park on the streets, which means that parking spots are limited to begin with and more so when there's a lot of snow on the ground.

The other, more *interesting* aspect is that my car has rear wheel drive and a very skittish rwd at that. so before I get into a parking spot I have to consider whether I'll be able to get out of it! All of which means that I should probably sell my car, which is a dangerous position for me to be in! Buying a car, I mean!

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