Thursday, May 21, 2009

Food meant for kids

I rarely buy any food or drink outside: I much prefer buying it at Market Basket (my favorite grocery store!) and then taking whatever I need with me. Obviously I can't do this all the time but I do it when I can, for 2 reasons: I save money and I get to eat what I want to eat which is generally a healthy choice. 

This doesn't mean I don't eat 'junk' food, but it does mean I look carefully at the nutrition label of every thing I buy and choose what I believe is the best value for something that is low in saturated fat, sodium and sugar and no trans fats. I don't want to get side tracked from my topic for today so I'll save my transfats diatribe for another post :-)

So we were out and Gerard wanted something to drink and since I was getting coffee for myself I allowed him to choose what he wanted. He wanted a strawberry drink which turned out to be a Garelick Milk Chug. I looked at the label and could not believe that it had 48 grams of sugar per serving. The second ingredient was that scourge of our times, (well not as scourgy as trans fats but still) high fructose corn sugar.

How does anyone design a drink meant for anybody that has that much sugar in it? And that too for kids? It's mind boggling. And Garelick is probably patting itself on the back for creating a healthy drink. Nutrition in general can lead me down so many different paths that I'm going to stop here, happy with the fact that I've restarted my blog.

Before I go, I have to throw in one little thing about high fructose corn sugar: check this link out The second AND third ingredients! Alright, good night


Ok, so clearly I havent been blogging on anything remotely like a regular basis. So, here's a list of topics that I will be writing on in the next few days:

- nutrition as it relates to children (Garelick Milk Chug)
- mountain biking, my latest passion
- got to go right now so I'll continue this list and/or expand on the above later, hopefully tonight!