Thursday, September 29, 2011

Hilarious public exchange between Oracle and Autonomy CEO

This is something I almost never say, but this is an exception: you have to read this - it's very, very funny.

Autonomy is a technology company that former HP CEO Leo Apotheker bought recently (it was also partly responsible for his "former" CEO status, but that is another story, that is almost as funny). 

Oracle, in response to the acquisition, said that Autonomy had been offered to them as well, but they declined because they felt that the valuation was too high. Autonomy's CEO Mike Lynch issued a statement denying that this ever happened and that they weren't responsible if some investment bank shopped them around.

Oracle then issues their statement, which unlike 99.999% of all such statements bluntly described when Mike Lynch came to Oracle, who he met with, what they talked about (hint: buy my company). Mike responds by saying, "Well, come to think of it, I did meet with Oracle, but it was a very casual, brief meeting that was purely technical."

Oracle issues another statement, titled Another Whopper from Autonomy and uploaded the presentation that Autonomy used to woo them. The link to the presentation is called Please Buy Autonomy. Courtesy of John Gruber at Daring Fireball.

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